Tuesday 1 January 2019

The Essence of Christmas

          Christmas is coming! t is the most awaited and the most anticipated season of the year. Everyone gets excited especially the children. It is the season to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is the season of joy, love, and giving.
          Here in the Philippines, we are said to have the longest  Christmas season. Starting on September, you can already see Christmas decors such as lanterns and lights around you. During October, you already call your relatives abroad or those who live far away from you and ask them if they want to visit you and spend Christmas with you. After Halloween, on November, you can already hear Christmas songs from Jose Mari Chan and Mariah Carey in Malls. Festivities continue and as early as second week of December, people go and attend reunions and parties with their friends and families. But regardless of the excitement that everyone is experiencing, we tend to forget the main reason why we are celebrating. We are so into the physical and material things not already the spiritual aspect of it.

          If we are going to dig deeper why we are celebrating Christmas, it is because our Savior is born. He is born to spread the words of God. He is born to save us because He loves us. Therefor, the real essence of Christmas is nothing else but love. Let us not forget Jesus who taught us what real, genuine, and unconditional love is. And with that love, us Children of God, we have the responsibility to be human enough to share this to the needy, t the motherless, to the ones who are unfortunate. And because of this, we will feel complete, ready to face the challenges that the new year will be giving us.


  1. I agree. We must always remember the sacrifice/s of Jesus and God for us.

  2. I enjoyed reading your article! Love is truly the essence of Christmas. I look forward to reading more works of yours!


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