Sunday 19 August 2018


           From a time so long that it can no longer be remembered, we, Filipinos are tested by innumerable natural calamities such as volcanic erruptions and super typhoons and many more together with human induced disasters like wars and triumphantly, we conquered these challenges beyond the ingenuity  of the human race. Because of these, we are known to be resilient.

          in the Philippine history, many tragedic events had happened. We have this Super Typhoon Yolanda which hitted mainly in Visayas last 2013. The people who were affected by the said disaster spent their Christmas suffering from hunger, malnutriton, and depression. Some had their homes washed out by the flash flood. Many went missing and many were found dead. We also have the earthquake in Baguio City where thousands of people died. There is also this war in Marawi City which lasted for several months. The city was tore down. Many lost their homes. Some family members volunteered to be part of the country's military without even thinking if they would come back home alive. Many sacrificed their lives and joined the ISIS. The whole world hoped and prayed for it to last. Thousands of people are suffering from these tragedic happenings but they never gave up with the hope that the sun will rise again. 

           Filipinos survived. We know how to cope with these kind of happenings. We don't know how tp give up. You can see it in our smiles that despite of what happened, we are still happy that we are alive. But you can see it in our eyes how miserable we are, how obsessed we are to have a perfect life. But I guess, nothng is really perfect. We can just put in our minds that God gave us these challenges because he knows that we can overcome it. We are not hesitating to uplift the spirit of camaradery in every moment possible. We know we can do it because WE ARE RESILIENT.



  1. True...worry less, smile more..

  2. What a catchy Title right there! Great Job!

  3. I liked everything most especially your title! Good job!

  4. Nice title,it really caught my attentiom. Hope to see more nice posts from you! :)))
    Good job!

  5. Ako ay lubos na naengganyo sa pagbabasa sa artikulong iyong ginawa. Ipagpatuloy mo lang yan!

  6. i like the title it's so catchy. keep it up carlo! napakahusay mo talaga kaibigan!


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