Tuesday 1 January 2019

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

          Everything in our world today is already modern. Technologies have advanced, many things were developed, and our way of living became more convenient. Our world became more progressive as time passed by. But many issues such as gender awareness remained contemporary. Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction?

          We live in a society today where we are very thankful ta have varied array of people; Men, Women, and now, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer Community, also known as the LGBTQ Community. Before, people belong to the said community were not accepted in this judgmental society. They were abused, violated, and discriminated. But as time passed by, people realized that they are also human beings. They should also be accepted, respected, tolerated, and loved as any other people. And now, things have changed. The beautiful thing about it now is that instead of negating, contradicting, and creating problems, we created platforms and significant projects that benefits everyone, especially them in our society. The government conducted activities that raises awareness about the different matters and problems that the said community is facing. The government also implemented laws such as the anti-discrimination and many more. They became the highlight in many festivities and events such as beauty pageants. They are offered many jobs since they also have hidden talents and skills. Some of them now are already leaders in the province and even in the small groups and organizations in their community. They became the source of happiness of the people around them. They proved that they are worthy of respect and love and that they also have an important role in our society, also observing equal rights for everyone.

         We accepted the beauty of diversity in which it would be understood where different individuals value each other regardless of their skin complexion, the culture that they have, the traditions that they practice, their way of living, their level of intellect, the talents that they have, their age, and the gender that they identify themselves with. It is for that very reason that I believe that humanity is headed in the right direction.


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