Wednesday 1 August 2018

Healthy Living

          A healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy soul is the foundation of doing great things every day and our building blocks towards achieving our goals in life. That is the learning institution always celebrate the month of nutrition annually. This lets us think about and bear in mind the value of having a healthy lifestyle.

          This year’s theme for nutrition month celebration, “Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon, Aanihin”, talks about planting of course. It encourages us to plant different kinds of vegetables and fruit in our own yards because we should avoid foods that were sprayed with inorganic fertilizers, chemicals as pesticide and so on and so forth, which farmers are using nowadays. It is also about avoiding or eating less foods with preservatives in it. Rather than eating such, we can cook snacks from the ones that we planted instead. It is far healthier than those. It pertains to planting together as a family as a form of bonding. We all know that children today are busy with their gadgets, modern technology and such, so you can invite them to plant with you in order for them also to realize practical living. According to some researchers, planting is also a good way of reducing stress so encourage them to have time to relax and enjoy life.

          The institution also laid many activities both for the students and for the teachers in order for them to develop and improve their health and their capability to do great things in the power of unity, cooperation, brain storming and team work. After all, losing is just a postponed victory. At the end of the day, all that matters are your success for doing those things and achieving the objectives of it.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Doing activities such as planting into our own backyard gives a big impact in the safeness of our food. Keep it up Adrian!


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