Tuesday 24 July 2018

An open letter to the president of the Philippines

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

July 24. 2018

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

President of the Philippines

Malacanang Palace, Manila, Philippines

Dear Mr. President,

          Greetings! I am Adrian Carlo Paz Pablico, a 15 year old student of  Ilocos Sur National High School, and ! am writing this letter with regards to your accomplishments and future projects for our country.

          First of all, I want you to know that you are my bet during the elections and I am very glad that you have won. Your campaign motto, which is, "Change is Coming" is really evident. I also like how you constrain, or how you challenge those who are abusing their power and those who are tolerating their mistakes and wrongful acts. I admit it's a bit disrespectful, offensive, and and not pleasing to hear but I think they all get what they deserve.  As a saying goes, "never let other people abuse your kindness and generosity because if you give more, they will surely ask for more." I am really thankful that you are not tolerate their immoral doings. I also want to congratulate you for all your achievements specially the anti-drug campaign. Many people are protesting and they are saying that it is a violation to human rights but if you think that it is for the goodness of all, I believe in you and I will continue to support you.

          Even if many people are against you, always remember that majority of Filipinos  here and abroad voted for you. They believe in you. We will continue to support you until the end of your term. Please continue improving and developing our country. The betterment of this country will not just be a success of yours but also for the people who are supporting you and together with your administration. 

                    Repectfully yours,

Adrian Carlo Paz Pablico 


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