Sunday 14 October 2018

World Teachers' Day Celebration

          "Good morning ma'am/sir! Its nice to see you again!" Greeting them with love and joy makes them feel welcomed and showing your eagerness to learn is something that inspires them to do more. During some activities, we laugh together, we experience happiness together, we cry together and we get sad together. During class sessions, we are inspired together and learn together. But sometimes we tend to forget to thank them. Who 'them'? OUR TEACHERS.

          We love our teachers because of the very friendly attitude they have, for they are good in teaching, they are not boring, they make the complicated lessons look easy, and they make the class more participative. Many of them knows how to adjust to the nature of their students. They make their students feel loved and appreciated. But admit it, there are also those teachers whom you hate because they give so many requirements. You hate them because they told you that you are not doing well in class even though you are already giving your hundred and one percent best. You hate your teacher who criticized your work, telling your work was not good, done only for compliance even if to you, it is already a masterpiece. You hate your teacher who gives you low grades even if you know that you deserve a higher one. You hate your teacher who called you 'stupid' just because you don't understand the lesson. You hate your teacher who told your class 'the worst batch ever'. All of those are part of your life as a student. But try to consider the fact that they also get tired. They also get stressed. You both do. Don't get mad at them, their just doing their job.

          But, have you ever tried to reflect on what is happening around you and came up with a conclusion that you also have a mistake? Have you ever realized that they are doing it because they want you to strive harder in order for you to become the bestest version of yourself? That they are doing it in preparation for your future? Have you tried to look on the positive side of life? No. Because you were only thinking about yourself. How about the sacrifices they have done? The efforts they have exerted? The knowledge that they have imparted? The memories you have shared? The good things that they have dona? Try to think of it.

          Let us not forget to thank them. Always remember that we all have our strenghts and weaknesses and that no one is perfect. Let us bear in our minds amd in our hearts that they are doing their best in any ways possible to give the quality education that we deserve. They are the backbone of our society, they are the foundation, the reason why we are standing, striving to be the best that we can be. And for that, they really deserve to be called 'heroes'. Who are they again? OUR TEACHERS.

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