Wednesday 6 March 2019

Fourth Grading - Reflection

          We all encounter the same thing every fourth quarter of the school year; we are already tired of studying, we get excited to end the school year, we want vacation to come closer. But the most unexpected things happen at the most unexpected moments.
          During the fourth grading period, you are already tired and lost your interest in your studies. It is already the last quarter of the school year, last time to prove something, to prove yourself that you are deserving to be included in the honor role. The pressure is high so you had to let the spirit of diligence enter your body and possess you. In your ICT class, your lesson is all about Photoshop. Again. Photoshop was your lesson back when you were in grade 8 and now that you are in grade 10 you already forgot what you have learned. But I taught myself to look for the beauty in it. To see everything with a silver lining. So I tried so hard to recall all my past lessons. And now I am really happy that I have my knowledge back. I was so joyful editing my requirement but suddenly a window appeared on my screen. I asked my seatmate about it. She said, our computer hanged and all our activities are not saved. I thought my world is going to end. That was the realest challenge. I was already near to finishing it. But I did not lose hope. I learned to became patient and understand that not every time is your climax. Sometimes you have to fall down in order to see the way to the end of your adventure.

          Do not ever give up on your dreams because they are a picture of a possibility and you should have a strong heart and a prepared mind to turn that into reality. Not everything will come easy. Sometimes you have to really work hard to achieve it. But always keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the Lord. Because at the end of the day, only He can save you.

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