Wednesday 6 March 2019

Fourth Grading - Reflection

          We all encounter the same thing every fourth quarter of the school year; we are already tired of studying, we get excited to end the school year, we want vacation to come closer. But the most unexpected things happen at the most unexpected moments.
          During the fourth grading period, you are already tired and lost your interest in your studies. It is already the last quarter of the school year, last time to prove something, to prove yourself that you are deserving to be included in the honor role. The pressure is high so you had to let the spirit of diligence enter your body and possess you. In your ICT class, your lesson is all about Photoshop. Again. Photoshop was your lesson back when you were in grade 8 and now that you are in grade 10 you already forgot what you have learned. But I taught myself to look for the beauty in it. To see everything with a silver lining. So I tried so hard to recall all my past lessons. And now I am really happy that I have my knowledge back. I was so joyful editing my requirement but suddenly a window appeared on my screen. I asked my seatmate about it. She said, our computer hanged and all our activities are not saved. I thought my world is going to end. That was the realest challenge. I was already near to finishing it. But I did not lose hope. I learned to became patient and understand that not every time is your climax. Sometimes you have to fall down in order to see the way to the end of your adventure.

          Do not ever give up on your dreams because they are a picture of a possibility and you should have a strong heart and a prepared mind to turn that into reality. Not everything will come easy. Sometimes you have to really work hard to achieve it. But always keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the Lord. Because at the end of the day, only He can save you.

My 117 Year Old School

          This year, we had our Foundation Day or more known as High School Day last March 1 and 2. This is in celebration of the school's founding anniversary. Remembering everything that our school had went through, our school, Ilocos Sur National High School is now sanding tall, aiming high, soaring, and flying.

           Weeks before the said event, everyone was busy preparing. The students, teachers, everyone. Evryone was excited about what was going to happen. You can see batallions of students here and there, getting ready for their field demonstration. You can see students in high cut shoes, wearing fatigue uniforms, preparing for their drills. You can also see teachers getting frustrated, you can see the school principal talking to student who are not wearing their ID and many more. I am telling you, the school was completely busy. Saturday night, as I was scrolling through my twitter account, I saw a thread by a teacher, also from my school. The thread was all about Foundation Day. I read that and it changed all of my thoughts about High School Day. Days have passed, and the day that everyone was waiting for has finally arrived and I am sure, students just came for compliance, not to have fun. As expected, same practices and routines back when I was in Grade 7 was still observed. I was not surprised at all because I had a new idea, I was influenced by a better and wider perception of what that day was supposed to be. And I thought, there should be unity, we are in the same school, and we should move as one. If all voices were heard, then the game should have been twisted into a more fun and exciting one. But nonetheless, since I am an officer of our school's CAT-1 Unit, I had a part on the Arrival of Honors, and that made me satisfied because many of our senior officers did not have the same experience that we had. And overall, to be honest, that Foundation Day was not the best but definitely not the worst.

           I learned a lot from what happened. All that I can say is that, we should never be afraid to voice out our concerns specially if we know that it is for the betterment of the body. I really hope that next Foundation Day, everything will be really amazing. I came, I struggled, but in the end, I conquered.

Monday 4 March 2019

Dreams: Better Future, Better Life

          "Dream is a picture of a possibility and you should have a strong heart and a prepared kind to turn that into reality" Pia Wurtzbach, Miss Universe 2015 once said. We dream of something, whether it is short term or a long term, we work so hard to achieve it. We burn our brows, all day and all night, for us to deserve it.

If happiness is the key to success then dreams are building blocks into a world that only you can create. Yes! With your creative mind, you are the one, you have the choice if you are going to pursue your dreams, if you want to be successful or not. You hold your future. The change must start with yourself. As a poem goes "You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul". You will go through many ups and downs. You will encounter a lot of problems along the way. These problems let you become prepared for your future. They are not useless. Infact, they are your ladders inorder for you to reach your dreams. These problems are not barricades. They are stop overs for you to recharge, to regain yourself after a tiring journey, for you to learn, and get you ready on your next destination. There is nothing to be worried about. Always seek for God's help and guidance because He did not gave you those challenges if He knows that you can not do it. It is there for a reason. So in everything that you do, do your very best, and God will do the rest.

As they say, after every storm, there will always be a rainbow. Your hardships will pay off soon. Just lurn how to survive that storm. You have many dreams right? But dreams are just for the ones who are sleeping. So turn your dreams into goals. If you have yor dreams in life, wake up! You have your goals.

PREECLAMPSIA: A Serious Complication of Pregnancy

    Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy that causes excessive increase in high blood pressure, and high levels of protein in the uri...