Sunday 14 October 2018

United Nations Month Celebration

Me Too

          Violence. Abuse. Child Labor. Child trafficking. Prostitution. Many people around the Philippines doesn't practice universal rights and doesn't value and doesn't care about oneself's dignity. Some doesn't even know about it, especially those in some regions who experience extreme poverty.

          Many people, especially women and children, experience violence. It is their right to speak and to be heard. But they prefered to remain silent. That is why it is very hard to address this problem. It is the childrens' right to attend school and get quality education. It is their right to play. They have to enjoy their childhood. But beacause of poverty, they  are forced to find a job at a young age in order for them to sustain their daily needs. Sometimes, the money they recieve or their pay is not even enough to buy food. Because of poverty, some people sell street children and make them slaves. Because of poverty, women are forced to get naked in front of their customers in order for them to gain money.

          According to the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article III, Bill of Rights, Section 1, "No man should be deprived of life, liberty, and property, without due process of law, nor any person shall be denied the equal protection of the law", so it is understood that what they are doing is against the law, and against the right of human beings.

          This comtemporary issue is very related to this year's United Nation Month Celebration theme, "Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Right and Dignity."

          We must all be awared of what is happening around us. We must not let the rotten system of justice in our country eat us. We must fight until the end. We are all a part of this world. Let us work hand in hand to help address such issues. We might not know, one day, we are the victims already, ofcourse we are not letting that happen. NEVER AGAIN.

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