Sunday 2 December 2018

English Month Celebration 2018

          In our country, the Philippines, every child has the right to attain quality education. The Department of Education has the highest amount of fund to ensure that students are given quality education that they deserve. Many students nowadays are suffering from depression, victims of bullying, are becoming teenage moms, experiencing different life problems and eventually drop out of school. Most of them do not even know how to read or have not yet mastered reading.

          Since we attended preschool until we entered to universities, we were taught of reading. Many people do not like reading because it is boring and tiring, it is time-consuming. Some lose their interest because some words are so deep that they do not understand the content anymore. But the thing they do not know is that there is a wondurful world inside those books, a magical world that would make them escape from reality. Stories that can widen your imagination and make it more creative. Characters from those stories that can relate from. Scenes that trigger emotions. Stories that can lift up their mood. Great articles to start the day. Stories that complete the day. Fables that can be learned from. Amazing myths. Wonderful epics. Marvelous legends. Many stories that can be learned from and can make life more convenient and worth living.

         Let us all engage ourselves in reading so that the efforts of the government in making the people better would not be wasted. Let us all continue to pursue our dreams in life. If we all learn to love reading, we can turn our ordinary life into something extra and magical. Our boring life would turn into something wonderful. If we are all good at reading, we can all be smart and intelligent fit in a globally competative nation.

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